第四个原则:“设计师应该具备多元化知识”。设计师们应该尽最大的努力了解世界的文化,并设计出和世界访问者都能够接受的网站,无论是从访问者的技术认可和美学信仰上来讲,还是从设计标准上来讲都应如此。不管主题是什么,设计师在设计时,都应该尽可能的了解所使用的技术面能够给他们带来的好处在哪里。举个例子来说,当设计师之设计了针对IE浏览标准的网页,而忽略了NetScape[网景]浏览器标准和Apple[苹果]浏览器标准,那么,上述两部分的客户将会失去。 织梦内容管理系统
The fifth criteria that, if followed, when designing is: "Modesty is the best approach." Why modesty? Because web design contains so many intricacies, there are always going to be designers with more attractive sites with newer technology, or designers who use technology in a more creative way. If a designer doesn't let pride get in their way, learning from other will strengthen their web design skills. 织梦内容管理系统
第五个准则:“谦虚是成功的最好途径”。为什么要谦虚呢?因为网页设计的方法错综复杂、不胜枚举,许多设计师都希望使用最新的、最具创造性的技术来设计更具吸引力的网站。如果一个设计师能够把“骄傲自满”拒之门外,那么他一定可以学到更多加强网站功能性的技能。 内容来自dedecms
A smart web designer knows that "It is impossible to please everybody." Whether it is the million of web user's world wide or the ten people in the office, a design is not going to make everybody happy. Everybody has an opinion and it is important to listen to opinions as good ideas can spring from them, but there is a fine line between making the majority happy and attempting to please everyone. If you try to please everyone you will have violated the sixth criteria.
The final of our seven criteria is "Try to stay on top of specifications and standards." Web design specifications and standards are constantly changing and will continue to change. dedecms.com
So if you follow these seven criteria you will design a site that everyone will have to visit. dedecms.com
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