亚洲交友中心所属Various公司被阁楼 5亿美金收购,暂还未翻译为中文,来自一家国外媒体。 因亚洲交友为国内站长非常关注的一家联盟,不知未来联盟业务将如何更改 目前亚洲交友每月给中文网站分成佣金10万-30万美金。也是国内最老牌的一家网站联盟。 旗下亚洲交友中心先后更换数次域名拓展亚洲中文市场。 http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%D1%C7%D6%DE%BD%BB%D3%D1+site%3Awangzhan.dngz.net&cl=3
美国成人杂志《阁楼》的发行商周三宣布,该公司已经以5亿美元收购了成人社交网站AdultFriendFinder的所有者,希望籍此提升自身的互联网业务。 copyright dedecms
Penthouse媒体集团已经以价值5亿美元的现金和股票收购了Various。Various总部位于加州Palo Alto,运营着AdultFriendFinder和其它20多个在线交友网站,包括JewishFriendFinder、KoreanFriendFinder和OutPersonals。Penthouse表示,整合完成之后,新公司2007年营收将达到3.4亿美元。 dedecms.com
AdultFriendFinder是最受欢迎的成人网站之一,据称拥有1800多万名用户。Penthouse首席执行官马克·贝尔(Marc Bell)表示:“对于我们出版平台而言,Various将是一个非常有价值的补充。通过这一交易,我们将在高速增长的社交网站领域占据一席之地。” copyright dedecms
While the influx of free and low-cost video has hurt the sale of pornographic videos, the chief executive of the Penthouse Media Group remains so bullish on the sex-related entertainment industry that he is investing $500 million in a group of social networking sites. 织梦好,好织梦
Marc H. Bell, chief executive of Penthouse Media, said the company had acquired Various Inc. and its subsidiaries as part of a plan to expand its reach. Various operates more than 25 networking sites and says it has a member base of more than 260 million consumers, about 1.2 million of them paying subscribers. 织梦内容管理系统
The combined revenue of both companies is projected to be $340 million in 2007.
Various’s most popular Web site is adultfriendfinder, which describes itself as a personals community for swingers and sex. But Various owns a variety of other social networks like Italianfriendfinder.com, gradfinder.com and bigchurch.com, which offers to help users “meet people who share the same spiritual beliefs as you.” 内容来自dedecms
“For now, we are holding on to everything,” Mr. Bell said. He said the goal was to provide consumers, particularly 18-to-34-year-old men, with a wide variety of sex-related offerings in magazines, in videos and online.
“The rationale here is, it’s an online world,” Mr. Bell said. copyright dedecms
After filing for bankruptcy protection, Penthouse was purchased in 2004 by PET Capital Partners, a group of private investors that includes Mr. Bell. Since then, Mr. Bell and his team have revamped the magazine, turning it from what he describes as an “XXX” publication into a more lifestyle-focused magazine that is “where you go when you graduate from Maxim.” The company also started making sex-related movies aimed at couples. dedecms.com

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